Kamis, 11 Desember 2008

Bantu doa ya temen2

09.28 / 1 comments

Nih posting tentunya udah keluar dari konteks Pertekom yaa.. Critanya gini nih, udah seminggu ini, ada sekumpulan tikus berani masuk rumah untuk nyolong makanan. Caranya dibolongin semua tuh jendela kawat2. Karena si pemilik rumah (aku, emu) buenci banget, and phobia banget ama yang namanya tikus, akhirnya aku beli rodent glue di ACE hardware, tapi ternyata ga memapan, umapannya diambil tapi tikusnya ga lengkett... uuuhh.. I hate u rats!! Abis gitu, I decided and convinced everybody to move to plan B which was using D-Con or rat poison. We thought of all the risk. The biggest risk was what if my pet eat the poison. Jadi, kita sepakat untuk ngga masukin si Ben2 kalo malem saat racunnya disebar. Nah, malam ini.. barusan ini.. 5 menit lalu. My unca yang sekarang aku benciiii banget, keluar dari kamarnya and ngeliat ada 2tikus sialan lagi berkeliaran kayak jalan-jalan ke TP. ehh.. dia masukin Ben2 buat bisa nangkep.. N ngga ketangkep lagi soalnya tikusnya udah pada ngacir duluan.. Aku langsung keluar kamar and yell " Aduh... ben2 jok dimasukno!! Aku lagi nyebar racuuuuuunnnn!!" Begitu ben2 dikeluarin, aku ngeliat racun yang asalnya 6 biji tinggal 5 biji.. The Question is, yang makan tikusnya ato ben2??? Emang sih si Ben2 keliatannya ga keburu makan abis dia udah barking2 bingung nyari si tikus, tapi tetap aja kuatir kan!! Duhh, takut... bodohhh kok, ngapain sih masukin ben2??? BANTU DOA YA TEMEN2. MOGA2 YANG MAKAN RACUNNYA TUH SI TIKUS BUKAN BEN2, KALO BEN2 YANG MAKAN, BISA2 DIA MATI DALAM WAKTU 4 HARI ( DI KOTAKNYA tertulis gitu sih untuk dosis tikus ). Tapi, anehnya, setelah 3 hari dikasih racun ( Total 18 biji). kok tikusnya masih adaa??? Pokoknya bantu dooooaaaaaa.. Jangan sampe Ben2 mati.. Hixx...

Minggu, 07 Desember 2008

Thank U

07.01 / 0 comments

Finally, our work is done! All of the task given are all done! We worked so hard to get it all done beautifully in the nick of time. We kinda forced ourselves to get it done as fast as we can, so we won't bury ourselves with plenty of take home examination. Btw, we've provided all of the assignment postings with as many example and info as possible. So, please don't just read the headlines and comment us, but please read the entire posting. Especially for the usa culture. It was exciting (it made me hungry when i was working on the cuisine spot)..yeah the other 3 were not so exciting. Actual, true but boring..lol..too serious.. But u need to know a bit of them. So just enjoy our blog and the music too


Sabtu, 06 Desember 2008

Internet Sebagai Kebutuhan Primer Global

00.57 / 2 comments

Last Assignment: PTK Final examination Project

Perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi yang semakin pesat menuntut setiap orang harus menguasai ICT Hal ini kelak tidak hanya bermanfaat bagi para pendidik, tetapi juga bagi peserta didik dalam meningkatkan produktifitas, efektifitas, efisiensi, dan kesejahteraannya. Dengan demikian, perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi khususnya media pembelajaran dapat mengantarkan peran dan fungsi media menjadi semakin luas dan luwes.

Nah, karena menyangkut tentang ICT maka kami bermaksud untuk menggunakan salah satu contoh ICT yang paling marak digunakan oleh semua orang di dunia yaitu internet. Secara harfiah, internet (kependekan daripada perkataan 'interconnected-networking') ialah rangkaian komputer yang terhubung di dalam beberapa rangkaian. Manakala Internet (huruf 'I' besar) ialah sistem komputer umum, yang berhubung secara global dan menggunakan TCP/IP sebagai protokol pertukaran paket (packet switching communication protocol). Rangkaian internet yang terbesar dinamakan Internet. Cara menghubungkan rangkaian dengan kaedah ini dinamakan internetworking.
Jumlah pengguna Internet yang besar dan semakin berkembang, telah mewujudkan budaya internet. Internet juga mempunyai pengaruh yang besar atas ilmu, dan pandangan dunia. Dengan hanya berpandukan situs pencari seperti Google, pengguna di seluruh dunia mempunyai akses internet yang mudah atas bermacam-macam informasi. Dibanding dengan buku dan perpustakaan, Internet melambangkan penyebaran(decentralization) / pengetahuan (knowledge) informasi dan data secara ekstrim.

Perkembangan Internet juga telah mempengaruhi perkembangan ekonomi. Berbagai transaksi jual beli yang sebelumnya hanya bisa dilakukan dengan cara tatap muka (dan sebagian sangat kecil melalui pos atau telepon), kini sangat mudah dan sering dilakukan melalui Internet. Transaksi melalui Internet ini dikenal dengan nama e-commerce.


Penggunaan internet yang sangat mengglobal telah mempengaruhi berbagai aspek kehidupan. Contohnya saja. Dalam proses pengajaran, kita mulai dituntut untuk bisa menggunakan internet, seperti e-learning yang rencananya akan di-launch di Petra. Dalam hal berinteraksi pun, kita bisa menggunakan internet, seperti friendster, facebook, msn, yahoo messenger, atau hi-5. Bukan hanya itu, dalam berbisnis pun orang juga menggunakan internet, seperti para stockbroker. Mereka sangat memerlukan penggunaaan internet untuk mengecek indeks harga saham dan lainnya tanpa perlu pergi ke tempat yang dituju. Dalam hal perdagangan,kita bisa menemukan e-bay yang menjual semua barang, mulai dari barang bekas sampai barang baru, mulai dari home appliances, pakaian, video game, handphone, bahkan permen bekas Britney Spears di lelang di e-bay. Dan yang paling utama, internet digunakan untuk pencarian informasi. E-commerce dan E-community pun semua terbentuk melalui internet


New Media

Karakter Internet dari perspektif New Media:
1. Digital
Kebanyakan hal yang dapat kita temukan di internet bersifat digital. Lagu, foto ataupun video dibaca oleh computer menggunakan kode-kode. Contohnya saja, saat kita ingin memasukkan foto atau lagu untuk blog kita, kita harus memasukkan kode-kode yang dapat dibaca computer, seperti kode html atau xml, namun nantinya kode itu akan menampilkan image atau lagu yang dapat dikonsumsi manusia.Selain itu sifat digital dari internet adalah linear dan bisa diakses kapan saja dengan kecepatan tertentu.

2. Interactivity
Dengan adanya internet, komunikasi antara pengguna dan computer akan semakin interaktif. Apapun dapat dilakukan melalui internet, baik dagang, pendidikan, interaksi maupun informasi

3. Dispersal
Dengan intrenet, kita sebagai individu bisa menjadi produser ataupun consumer. Hal ini disebut prosumer technology. Jadi yang menjadi produser tidak hanya terpusat pada satu pihak saja namun bersifat desentralisasi. Sebagai contoh, kita melakukan blog-walking ke blog orang lain, ini berarti kita sedang menjadi consumer karena kita mengkonsumsi isi blog orang tersbeut. Namun kita juga bisa menjadi produser saat orang lain melihat isi konten blog kita.

4. Virtuality
Segala hal yang didapat melalui internet bersifat virtual, terutama dalam proses interaksi cyber seperti chatting via MIRC, YM atau MSN messenger. Friendster, Facebook, MySpace dan Hi5 juga termasuk web yang mengusung nilai virtuality. Sebagai contoh, identitas yang kita pasang di Fs atau Fb bisa saja bukan merupakan identitas asli kita namun hanya bersifat rekayasa.


Perubahan Sosial: Dengan adanya internet, pola hubungan antar individu pun secara cepat akna berubah. Menurut kami,selain Handphone, budaya internet merupakan suatu bentuk revolusi teknologi yang paling cepat dan berpengaruh kuat pada pola interaksi masyarakat.Contohnya:

Pola hubungan individu dan individu: Interaksi langsung ( face to face ) yang terjadi antar individu sekarang banyak digantikan oleh internet. Sebagai contoh, walaupun kita hidup di kota yang sama atau bahkan universitas atau major yang sama dengan seseorang, kita masih sering berhubungan dengan dia menggunakan MSN.

Pola hubungan individu dan masyarakat: Internet memungkinkan kita untuk bisa berhubungan dengan masyarakat luas tanpa dibatasi oleh space. Kita bisa mengenal orang lain yang berasal dari benua berbeda melalui internet karena internet merupakan bentuk komunikasi yang global dan dapat diakses oleh semua orang di dunia.

Pola hubungan Individu dan Lembaga Sosial: Dengan teknologi internet, kita sebagai individu dapat mengidentifikasikan diri kita dalam lembaga-lembaga atau organisasi social yang sesuai dengan karakter serta kepribadian kita. Misalnya, saya telah join dalam Christian Community melalui bentuk ICT Facebook. Disini saya dapat berinteraksi dengan orang Kristen lain dari seluruh dunia, seperti sharing dan sebagainya

Mengkritisi social consequences yang telah disebutkan di atas dalam konteks komunikasi. Kami berpendapat bahwa internet memiliki sisi positif dan negative. Dari segi positifnya, ini membuat interaksi kita meluas, bahkan dengan orang di ujung bumi pun, kita tetap memiliki kesempatan untuk saling mengenal dan berinteraksi. Namun dari segi negatifnya, internet menyebabkan associality. Sebagai contoh, apabila kita terlalu sering berinteraksi melalui ICT, lambat laun akan menyebabkan kita sulit berinteraksi di dunia nyata. Selain itu cyber crime dan cyber bullying merupakan masalah serius yang berakar dari interaksi melalui internet atau Computer Mediated Communcation (CMC)

Lister, Dovey, Giddings, Grant and Kelly. 2003. New Media: A Critical Itroduction. London: Routledge
Pavlic, MacIntosh. 2003. Converging Media: An Introduction to Mass Communication. Boston: Pearson Education.


Rabu, 03 Desember 2008

The World's Greatest Phenomenon

17.58 / 2 comments

Global Financial Crisis

Belakangan ini, Global Financial Crisis merupakan permasalahan besar bukan hanya di Indonesia melainkan di sleuruh dunia. Hal ini lebih berbahaya daripada krisis moneter tahun 98 lalu, karena kali ini dampaknya mengena ke seluruh dunia, bahkan Amerika Serikat yang selama ini menjadi Negara adikuasa terutama dalam bidang perekonomian dan politik. Hal ini disebabkan karena pemerintah sudah tak mampu lagi mengatur stabilitas monetre nasional sendiri karena fungsinya sudah kalah oleh paham neoliberalisme. Namun, beberapa contoh utama neoliberalisme yang menyebabkan krisis global ini adalah hadirnya full-power dari perbankan dan perasuransian.

1. Bank
Bank adalah lapangan pencaharian bagi para ahli ekonomi untuk mendapat untung dari keadaan umumnya yang berlaku antara produsen dan konsumen, secara sah menurut hukum yang berlaku. Bank mendapatkan sebagian besar untungnya melalui bunga pinjaman. Kelompok peminjam uang dari bank, hanya karena terpaksa oleh kekurangan dana bagi keperluan tertentu, harus membayar kembali sebanyak uang yang dipinjamkan ditambah dengan bunga uang untuk kelompok 1 dan 2 sebanyak persentase dan selama watu yang disepakati. Dan seiring dengan berjalannya waktu, bunga pinjaman bank akan terus naik sehingga peminjam uang bank itu terpaksa menaikkan harga unit produksinya sebesar bunga uang yang harus dibayar kepada bank. Sekiranya kenaikan harga itu tidak dilakukan maka pembayaran bunga uang bank tidak mungkin terpenuhi. Akibatnya rakyat umum terpaksa membeli barang-barang lebih mahal, dan hal ini menimbulkan inflasi tak terkendali, juga disebut resesi ekonomi waktu mana biasanya pemerintah melakukan tindakan moneter yang nyatanya merugikam mayoritas penduduk. Tindakan moneter demikian perlu terlaksana agar roda pemerintahan negara berjalan terus.Menurut suatu badan penelitian, rakyat umum selaku konsumen selalu dirugikan karena mereka terpaksa membeli barang-barang kebutuhan hidup lebih mahal 20 persen tiap tahun.

2. Asuransi
Dewasa ini, perusahaan asuransi semakin menjamur di mana-mana, seperti Asuransi jiwa, mobil, kapal, pesawat dan sebagainya. Semuanya bekerja sama dengan bank dalam sistem bunga uang. Pegawai asuransi itu sendiri nantinya menabungkan uang pesertanya kedalam bank dengan memungut bunga uang yang berasal dari peminjam-peminjam yang butuh diantara masyarakat ramai. Dan ini membuat kita kembali pada permasalahan perbankan tadi yang menjadi akar krisis global


1. Karena AS pun terkena dampak krisis global, maka ini berimbas pada jumlah ekspor barang Indonesia ke AS yang semakin berkurang. Hal ini menyebabkan berkurangnya keuntungan yang dicapai oleh Negara kita.

2. Selain berdampak pada perekonomian, krisis global juga dapat membuat keadaan keamanan Negara kita terancam sebagai contoh kecilnya kasus pembunuhan bos roti di Surabaya yang tega menghabisi keluarganya secara sadis. Setelah di telisik lebih lanjut penyebab utama pembunuhan tersebut ialah karena sang bos kalah main saham sehingga mengalami kerugian yang sangat besar. Hal ini disebabkan karena krisis global yang mendunia sehingga harga dollar, euro, poundsterling dan lain-lain menjadi tidak menentu sehingga menyebabkan arus perputaran uang di dunia menjadi kacau. Berikut ini sekilas cerita pembunuhan tersebut yang diambil dari Koran Surya tanggal 26 September 2008:

Kasus pembunuhan keluarga sendiri yang disusul dengan aksi bunuh diri karena stress akibat kalah valas terjadi di Surabaya.

Di dalam sebuah kamar tidur seluas 9 m2, Zanuar Stefanus, seorang juragan pabrik roti, 38, tewas mengenaskan. Matanya melotot, mulutnya menganga, dan tangannya kaku memegang pisau yang masih tertancap di perutnya.

Di sekeliling mayat Zanuar, ada tiga mayat lain. Ketiga mayat tersebut dikenalinya sebagai Seniwati alias Sien (istri Zanuar),36; Jonathan Jansen Sutanto, 5; dan Christopher Kevin Sutanto, 3. Dua nama yang disebut terakhir ini tak lain adalah anak pasangan Zanuar-Seniwati.

Koran Surya, tanggal 26 September 2008

Karena kami bukan praktisi politik atau ekonomi yang benar-benar bisa memahami apa yang sedang terjadi di dunia kita sekarang ini. Kami hanya bisa berpendapat dan menghimbau setiap pihak untuk berhenti bermain valas atau saham. Memang Amerika Serikat sedang menggenjot roda perekonomiannya agar tidak terkubur dampak krisis global sehingga dollar AS bisa mencapai angka belasan ribu. Orang-orang tentu tertarik untuk membeli dollar dengan harapan dollar AS akan terus naik dan naik. Namun, kita tak akan bisa memprediksi masa depan terutama karena kondisi perekonomian di seluruh dunia sedang tidak stabil. Karena itu, daripada merugi atau membuang uang membeli dollar, lebih baik digunakan untuk hal-hal yang lebih penting dan PASTI!

Selasa, 02 Desember 2008

We Are Fond Of America's Culture #2

00.44 / 4 comments

5. Movie
The biggest leading movie industry is in America. Hollywood is a centrepoint of world movie industry. Every great movie came from Hollywood. Hollywood Actresses and Actors such as Julia Robert, Brad Pitt, Jody Foster, Julianne Moore are well-known globally. The films that made by Hollywood are often nominated and won the Oscar, for example Titanic, American Beauty, and million title more.

One of the unique America’s movie producer is Tim Burton along with his gothic style. He was one of Walt Disney’s animator and now making movies with his own style. His works tend to be frightening but hilarious. His well-known major works are Vincent, Frankenweenie, Beetlejuice, Batman, Batman Returns, Mars Attacks, Sleepy Hollow, Scissorhands, Ed Wood, Planet of the Apes, Charlie and Chocolate Factory, Corpse Bride and Nightmare Before Christmas.

6. TV Shows
One of our favorite TV shows came from America. Both Reality shows or serial. One of the famous TV Shows in America is Friends starring Jeniffer Aniston, Courteney Cox, Lisa Kudrow, Matt Le Blanc, David Schwimmer, and Matthew Perry. Friends is a comedy from the year 1994. It ended in 2004 on the tenth season. The other TV show we favor is America’s Next Top Model ( ANTM ) hosted by America’s Supermodel, Tyra Banks. American Idol is also one of the leading reality shows that translated globally and franchised all over the countries such as Australia, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, and many more.

7. Cuisine
You can find a lot of delicious cuisine in United States, below are the menu that become very popular in United States:

Common Ingredients used in American Food ( employed by Native American ): turkey, white-tailed deer venison, potatoes, sweet potatoes, corn, squash, and maple syrup

American Style Cuisine:
Slow-cooked pork and beef barbecue, crab cakes, potato chips, and chocolate chip cookies

Soul or Syncretic Food ( made popular by African slaves and African American ): Louisiana Creole, Cajun, and Tex Mex

Iconic American Dishes: apple pie, fried chicken, pizza, hamburgers, and hot dogs derive from the recipes of various immigrants. So-called French fries, Mexican dishes such as burritos, fajitas, tacos, and pasta.

8. Mores and Celebration
We are fond of famous Celebration Day that we don’t celebrate locally. The Celebration and Mores are:

History of Thanksgiving:
In 1621, the Plymouth colonists and Wampanoag Indians shared an autumn harvest feast which is acknowledged today as one of the first Thanksgiving celebrations in the colonies. This harvest meal has become a symbol of cooperation and interaction between English colonists and Native Americans. Although this feast is considered by many to the very first Thanksgiving celebration, it was actually in keeping with a long tradition of celebrating the harvest and giving thanks for a successful bounty of crops. This day also means as a thanksgiving to God for health.
This legacy of thanks, and particularly of the feast tradition, have survived for centuries.

Tradition in Thanksgiving:
Today in USA, Thanksgiving is being celebrated as people throughout the United States gather family, friends, and enormous amounts of food for their yearly Thanksgiving meal. The common Thanksgiving meal is Turkey with cranberry sauce and Yam.

The celebration of Halloween is designed to honor the dead who, it is believed, return to their earthly homes on Halloween. Many families construct an altar to the dead in their homes to honor deceased relatives and decorate it with candy, flowers, photographs, samples of the deceased's favorite foods and drinks, and fresh water. Often, a wash basin and towel are left out so that the spirit can wash before indulging in the feast.
Candles and incense are burned to help the deceased find the way home. Relatives also tidy the gravesites of their departed family members. This can include snipping weeds, making repairs, and painting. The grave is then decorated with flowers, wreaths, or paper streamers. On November 2, relatives gather at the gravesite to picnic and reminisce.

Tradition in Halloween:
Eating Barnback: Kind of fruitcake that can be bought in stores or baked at home. A muslin-wrapped treat is baked inside the cake that, it is said, can foretell the eater's future. If a ring is found, it means that the person will soon be wed; a piece of straw means that a prosperous year is on its way.

Children play tricks on their neighbors, such as "knock-a-dolly," a prank in which children knock on the doors of their neighbors, but run away before the door is opened.

Children play trick or treat which children knock on the doors of their neighbors and the neighbors ought to give them candies or chocolates.

Dress up in a costume party. Most teenage usually dressed up like witches, bunnies or even mummies. Halloween is also cheered up by pumpkin decorations.

some booklets and testimony from America's inhabitant

We Are Fond Of America’s Culture

We choose the culture of United States to be discussed further, because we think that their culture and products are exciting. They are all different from Indonesia’s but it doesn’t mean that we don’t like our own culture. We just treasure the difference of cultures and we find America’s culture has a lot of varieties and they’re all wonderful! Since we are fond of their language, I think using English in this posting will be a great step to show how we adore their culture and language.

America’s Culture that we are fancy are:
1. Language and Peoples
There are various languages used in United States. At the time of European contact, two great lines of people of two major language families lived in the Northeast: Algonquian-speaking peoples and Iroquoian-speaking peoples. These peoples can be organized into five major groups, which are:
1. Algonquian people in Nova Scotia, New England, Long Island and many areas
2. Chesapeake Bay and Cape Hatteras
3. Great Lakes Algonquian tribes
4. Prairie Algonquian tribes
5. New York and Ontario Iroquoian tribes

We have no idea about Algonquian and Iroquoian and we also doubt that modern American people know a thing about both of them. The Algonquian and Iroquoian people are one of the largest tribes in American Natives. They are still exist but away from modern cities. But the major language used in USA is English ( as we use Bahasa Indonesia as our major language )but there are a lot of Hispanic people live over here so it's mandatory to learn Spanish or any other language
if u can talk about different race in America then it'll be perfect because America is a country of a "melting pot" we're all different but we blend together because of the love and pride we have in the United States of America

2. Music
There are a million of music industries, music programmes, singers, boybands and bands in USA. For music programmes, VH1, Channel V, and Mtv have broadcasted their programme in all over the world via pay TV. You can find famous singer such Mariah Carey, Madonna, Whitney Houston, Britney Spears and million more from America. You can find Boyzone, N*Sync and Backstreet Boys as America’s popular boybands. Blink 182, Green Day and not to mention millions more of bands are all from America. All of America’s music makers are well-known all over the world. America has become a super-power country not only economically and politically but also in music industry.

3. Dance
1. America’s Native Dance
Native American dance is unlike most other dances in the world. It is not only a way to have fun, but spiritual in itself. Dance can be a form of prayer, a way of expressing joy or grief, and a method of becoming closer with man and nature.
Native dancing has been aroud just about as long as the Native American people have been: in ceremony, powwows, and just to pass the day/night. The dance also can have healing powers, not only on the dancer, but on people that the dancer is close to, or dancing for.
Native American dance is centered around the drum. It beats in time with the heart of Mother Earth and provides a base for the song. The drum beat is, as in most dances, the key to Native footwork.

2. Modern Dance
a) Break dance
Breakdance, breaking, b-boying or b-girling is one kind of street dance that came as a part of Hip-Hop moves but slightly different. Breakdance was first invented in 1970 by African-American and Puerto Rico hiphop-ers in Southern New York City. Commonly, this kind of dance elaborates with hip-hop, rap tracks or remixed-tracks. The culture of Breakdance are now spreaded worldwide, especially in Japan and Korea.
b) Ballet
The biggest leading Ballet performing-art is America. Here in America, you can find the biggest ballet institution which is American Ballet Academy ( ABA ). One of the Hollywood movie that represents American ballet society is The Center Stage.
4. Literature
a) Historical Literature and Poetry
In the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, American art and literature took most of its cues from Europe. Writers such as Nathaniel Hawthorne, Edgar Allan Poe, and Henry David Thoreau established a distinctive American literary voice by the middle of the nineteenth century. Mark Twain and poet Walt Whitman were major figures in the century's second half; Emily Dickinson, virtually unknown during her lifetime, would be recognized as America's other essential poet. Eleven U.S. citizens have won the Nobel Prize in Literature, most recently Toni Morrison in 1993. Ernest Hemingway, the 1954 Nobel laureate, is often named as one of the most influential writers of the twentieth century.[1] A work seen as capturing fundamental aspects of the national experience and character—such as Herman Melville's Moby-Dick (1851), Twain's The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (1885), and F. Scott Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby (1925)—may be dubbed the "Great American Novel." Popular literary genres such as the Western and hardboiled crime fiction developed in the United States.

b) Modern Literature
Since the invention of the comic book format in the 1930s, the United States has been the leading producer with only the British comic books (during the inter-war period and up until the 1970s) and the Japanese manga as close competitors in terms of quantity.
Comic book sales began to decline after World War II, when the medium was competing with the spread of television and mass market paperback books..

But since 1960,comic books about superheroes started to dominate American Comic Industry. The leader of this genre of comic books is Stan Lee, the writer of MARVEL. The best-known comic books by Marvel are now being filmed in Hollywood. For example, Spiderman, Superman, Iron-Man, X-Men, Catwoman, Daredevil and many more.


Senin, 01 Desember 2008

Posting # 1: Technology Learning

19.55 / 7 comments

A task was given to us from PTK class. Miss Vidya told us to introduce e-mail and blogging technology to somebody who hasn’t known anything about such technology. After we discussed it, we considered to pick Stephanie’s mom as the lucky one!! So, I (Stephanie) was the one in charge to teach my mom how to adopt this kind of technology. Here’s my teaching diary:

Tuesday, 25th of November 2008, 7 pm

Right after I got home from PTK class, I realized that I’ve got no much time left to get all of the work done. So I just told my mom to sit with me and listen for all of my explanation about e-mail. I opened Yahoo website, and told her:
That yahoo is a website that provides us with e-mail technology.

E-mail is a communication based on computer. For example, if I were in Australia and you were in Indonesia, e-mail is a cheap way to get in touch with each other.

E-mail is similar with mail. But the difference is mail is the way to get in touch via air mail ( post ), while e-mail is letter writing via internet.

To provide you with this e-mail technology, 1st thing you have to do is typing www.yahoo.com on the address bar ( I told her where it is, because she didn’t know a thing about operating computer ) then you have to register to yahoo by clicking sign up and a form of registration will appear.

Fill up the form ( I got to guide her one by one because the form is in English and she didn’t understand ). P.S : she got a trouble verifying the strange word in the dialog box, and we have to type the password and verify again. So I helped her this time. F.Y.I : my mom now has e-mail address: innewu@yahoo.co.id ( I told her to use yahoo Indonesia because it will be much easier for her to operate it using Bahasa. I told her how to make @ appear by pushing shift and 2 in the same time.

Then her mail was DONE!! That was for the day, it was pretty tough though.

Saturday, 29th of November 2008, 11 pm

I taught my mom how to compose and check e-mail. First, I told her to take notes of everything because she forgets a lot. I told her to:

Sign in!, you don’t need to click sign up anymore ( because you already have an e-mail account, Don’t u? and she said yes )

Enter your yahoo id, I reminded her about her ID ( because she forgot and now she has taken notes ), and told her to fill the password.

There was a welcome lines read Welcome, InneWu. There was one e-mail unread and she was so excited. She thought that she was that popular that her friend has sent an e-mail right after she made one. But I let her down by telling “No, it’s a welcome mail from Yahoo!” then she said “ Oalah, bujuk-bujukan tok ta?” LOL

Then, I taught her how to compose an e-mail. Click ‘TULIS’ , and a dialog box appeared. I told her to fill ‘KEPADA’ with my e-mail address: stephaniewiradjaja@yahoo.com, fill the ‘TOPIK’, write the message and click ‘KIRIM’

Then, I commanded my mom to repeat from the 1st step ( writing the yahoo address ) and she did it slowly but finally successful.

Sunday,30th of November, 9 am

I commanded my mom to repeat last night’s lesson and she finally showed a progress, then I taught her about blogging.

Blog is a way to post all of our thoughts, activities or maybe promote commodities. It’s different from e-mail. People can leave comments on our post, then I showed her my blog to make her understand easier.

Then, I guided my mom to register on Blogspot. I told her that blogspot is a website ( Thank God she already knew what website is ), like Yahoo. But Blogspot provides us with blogging activities. One term to make blog is you ought to have e-mail account at the first place. And REGISTER! ( her blog is makeupboxinnewu.blogspot.com )

When the blog account was ready, I taught my mom how to set the profile and postings. By clicking ‘TAMBAH ENTRI’ and write ‘JUDUL’ and write the entry. She already wrote her 1st posting ( which is to promote her makeup work ). Then I guide her step by step to upload photos into the posting that she has written. DONE!


Teaching my mom was a very hard thing to do and needs high level of patience since she knew nothing @ all about e-mail and blog. Yeah, she already heard about e-mail but she didn’t know what exactly it is and how it works. It was so difficult especially when she didn’t know how to type and how to place the cursor onto the right place ( maybe it was because we use laptop without mouse ). I had to teach her what ENTER, CAPS LOCK, and BACKSPACE are. But she shown me a great interest about blogging because she can promote her work which is great.

P.S: Please believe that my mom wasn't aware of internet technology. Maybe it's hard to believe that she is my mom ( she looks young ), but she is. Dan dia gaptek sekali. For confirmation, call my mom ( 03160256359 )


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